A story of ingenuity. An avid sailor, Paul Sperry observed that his dog Prince, a Cocker Spaniel, had the ability to remain agile and balance though the surface was covered with a new coat of New England snow. This led him to tinker with the idea in replicating an outsole much like a dog’s paw, with grooves and ridges to provide grip.
In 1935, the Sperry Top-Sider was established. Since then, this American Original has outfitted countless sailor, outdoor enthusiasts, even now, a part of official uniform of U.S. Naval Academy.
In viewing of the changing trends and lifestyle, the Authentic Original looked towards the current generation of designers for inspiration, including Scott Sternberg from Band of Outsiders.
A former agent in Hollywood, Sternberg became wary of the entertainment industry. He soon left his career behind and established Band of Outsiders. Named after the classic film Bande à part by Jean-Luc Godard, Sternberg took the literal definition of the movie title in creating his collection, as an outsider looking in, an antagonist of the common norm.
The theme is quite visible in the newest Sperry Top-Sider x Band of Outsiders Limited Collection, including this Chukka Boots.
All pics & info via www.freshnessmag.com
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